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07/20/2020, Performance Anxiety,  Covid Care, Individual highlights, Schedule and Stuff

07/20/2020 schedule and stuff

TOPICS: Performance Anxiety, Covid Care, Individual highlights, Schedule and Stuff

Covid Care

This week, 340 people have been brain swabbed at the Lake Zurich High School, open testing site. An outstanding far, zero additional infections (that we know of) past the 30+ who either attended or are associated with the now famous LZ party.

This does reinforce the DEA policy of staying away from enclosed social groups. If your friends are going to a party that will have even a moment indoors or under a roof, JUST SAY NO. And keep the rest of us safe.

Of note, if you are going to a Lake House, the mosquitos are coming for you at about 8pm...don’t get caught running inside Get in your car and go home!

Performance Anxiety

To be fair, ‘performance anxiety’ is more of an attention getting title;-)

We have talked about anxiety a few times in the last 3 months. Mostly, we have talked about how shutting in will absolutely increase incidents of anxiety and depression. Your only way to combat it is to stay physically active and OUTDOORS. When we were shut in, we talked the athletes showing more symptoms at home and in training. But now, the statistics are starting to back it up.

Hold your britches. 1 in 4 are using alcohol or marijuana to cope. Yes, this statistic includes your kids!

We have talked over and over about how exercise is our first and best line of defense against anxiety and depression. Now, let’s talk about meditation. Meditation is NOT the exact opposite of athletics. Meditation is a deliberate action to improve our mental (and you could argue our physical) well being. So really, they compliment each other. Couch gaming...that’s the opposite. Where meditation really helps is allowing us to enter into a place where we have complete control. No coaches, no peers, no parents;-) Our form can be perfect. The crowd can be perfect. We can even win every single action.

Training builds speed and strength AND teaches our minds to subconsciously ask for specific actions from our muscles when we perform. But we get tired and distracted. So our bodies try to revert to actions that are ‘easier.’

Every one of the following challenges our ability to perform:

I’m having relationship issues.

My knee hurts.

I have chores after I get home.

I miss my friends.

I’m hungry.

It’s hot.

That last play took a lot out of me.

My team sucks today.

I’m exhausted.


This is where a Micro Meditation can save us. Yes, this is a real thing. We only have a few moments, in action, to think about the next action. Time and practice can give us the edge we need to get out of our heads and get into the moment.

Individual highlights

Dylan Reilly, Weekend performance includes .400 batting average, 3 walks, 3 steals on 3 attempts, and pitched 3 strike outs in 2 innings.

Jenna Meitzler and Gabby Wire, Played mud/sand volleyball and competed down to the wire. Even with fatigue setting in, their solid passing and smart shots

kept pushing them past their competition and into the finals.

Sydney Palladino, Blew the doors off of the weekend with multiple hits, RBI’s and steals.

CeCe Palladino, played solid defense and brought an aggressive jump serve to her sand volleyball tournament.

Avery Nielsen and Katie Jannusch played in both the sun and the rain this weekend. They pushed the game hard and helped their soccer team finish undefeated with zero scores against.

Sydney Grant, played solid soccer this

weekend including putting the first points on the board in the first game with a deliberate lob over the goalie.

Amanda Cleary, and her partner controlled the sand volleyball courts all day. Only to lose in a close final!

Now, let’s talk about the schedule.

Do NOT presume last week works for this week. Our cognitively challenged participants get first priority. And, I am actively cleaning and adjusting to make sure this is a safe environment.

Contact me directly to talk about how you may fit into the schedule. 630-408-0403.

If you are nervous to come in...reach out to me to fine tune it for your specific needs.

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